Friday, September 28, 2012

Hurray, It's Moving Day!

Want to Buy a House on the Potomac River?

What can I say other than moving day has come and gone… and Larry and I are exhausted! Moving day was actually three days so perhaps that has something to do with why we are so tired.

Larry Says Goodbye to the River House

The festivities got under way early Monday morning when the All Star Movers team arrived in Colonial Beach to pack up the “River House”. While not yet sold—doesn’t anyone have a friend who would be interested in a steal on a weekend house with a million dollar view--, we decided to remove the furniture and take it to Edenton.  

Larry and I were both sad to leave our River House.  We've really enjoyed the time we've spent there, enjoying the quiet and solitude while watching the Potomac River flow by. 

On Tuesday morning, the movers arrived at our condo in Vienna with not one, but two trucks. It took them just about half a day to fill the first truck before they drove over to the storage unit to fill the other. Since it was late in the day when they finished, the movers decided to stay the night locally and drive to Edenton in the morning. Wanting to make sure the house was ready for their arrival, I left town when the movers headed off to the storage unit. Poor Larry made the four hour drive to North Carolina that evening.
Waiting at the Condo for the Movers

The Movers Arrive at the Condo

Wednesday morning, Larry and I had several hours to “prepare the house” for its new belongings before the moving trucks arrived from Virginia. It was nearly 7:00pm before the job was finished and the movers were headed back to VA. I was happy not to have to make that trip again and instead climbed into my big bathtub for a long soak before sleeping in my own bed in our Big Yellow House.


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